Cuando me refiero a "retro", se trata de prendas que evocan al pasado, pero que no necesariamente deben pertenecer a él. Simplemente emplean la estética de otra época, tratando de apelar a nuestra nostalgia. Ultimamente esta tendencia se viene imponiendo tanto en las mejores
pasarelas del mundo de mano de las grandes firmas, como en la moda
urbana que podemos ver en cualquier calle.
En el caso de esta chaqueta, debo decirles que ni bien la ví, me enamoré. Me encanta su textura y su diseño me parece precioso, con motivos un poco psicodélicos. Me remonta totalmente a los años 70, donde las prendas clave eran de estilo hippie y étnicas, con materiales brillantes y plastificados, plataformas y una gran combinación de espectaculares colores chispeantes.
Total black para el resto del look, donde el protagonismo se lo lleva la chaqueta.
¡¡Besoss y hasta la próxima!!
When I refer to "retro", it is clothes that evoke the past, but that must not necessarily belong to it. Simply use the aesthetic of another era, trying to appeal to our nostalgia.
Lately this tendency comes imposing best runways in the world of hand of large firms, both in the urban fashion that we can see in any street.
In the case of this jacket, I must tell you that I fell in love instantly. I love its texture and its design seems precious, a little psychedelic motifs. Back me totally to the 1970s, where the key items were hippie and ethnic style, with bright and laminated materials, platforms, and a great combination of spectacular sparkling colors.
Total black for the rest of the look, where is the protagonist the jacket.
Kissess and next up!!!
Jacket/ Chaqueta.................................Vintage Club
Pants/ Pantalones...............................Vero Moda
T shirt/ Camiseta................................Domenica
Bag/ Cartera........................................Aigner
Watch/ Reloj.......................................Guess
Sandals/ Sandalias..............................Yessica by C&A
Necklace/ Collar................................ Folgado Joyería
Hello, Gaby:
ResponderEliminarThis is such a cool post. I love the images of 70s looks. I certainly think your jacket is reminiscent of the type of psychedelic prints that were so popular. I like your jacket so much. The colors in the print are so harmonious.
Thank you very much, Sharon! You're right, my jacket is reminiscent of that time. I admit that I really like the style of the 1970s, but whenever you can combine it with the current style.
I love your jacket! Beautiful colors and an amazing print, fits perfect to black outfits!
ResponderEliminarLove also your bag and sandals. What a cute neclace... you look great in this outfit :)
Thank you very much, Dana!! Always so lovely!!!
EliminarBig hugs!!!